Friday, July 10, 2009

Sweating or Not

Giving you both flavors of video. The smaller one might be better on slower connections.

Update from Alex:
Review of anhydrosis here. I found it interesting how it seems that an environment that is too unrelentingly hot and humid could shut down a horse's ability to sweat and that a little break from the heat could restore it. Maybe we just need a big fan or swamp cooler for Stack's stall...


  1. Equiwinner should work if you don't want to do the beer route. I'd be curious to see what you do in order to fix the issue. I don't deal with it a lot with my Quarters but I used to ride a handful of Thoroughbreds who didn't sweat. I think they ended up giving up on three of them because the beer trick wasn't working..

    ..Mind you, this is Texas. It's a penny your way through things kind of state. If the cheapest and simplest method doesn't work, move on..

    (their way of things, not mine)
